The holidays are a time of year when schedules get full of festivities, work, shopping, and wrapping.
Cleaning is the last thing anyone would want to do yet we all know if you don’t stay on top of the mess it grows and then becomes more of a headache.
With a little planning and some smart strategies, you can keep your home clean and organized throughout the festive season. And in this guide, we will share with you some tips and tricks for keeping your home clean throughout the holidays.
5 Easy Steps to a Cleaner Holiday Home
Step 1: Minimize Floor Messes (Limit Vacuuming/Sweeping)
First, we are going to try to limit the amount of vacuuming and/or sweeping. There will be messes along the way that will need to be swept up quickly unless you have a dog that vacuums behind all the kids.
a. Tree Protection: If you are using a real tree, you will want to get a big tree skirt or a flat bed sheet to catch all the needles. That way you won’t have to vacuum that area daily.
Fun fact, according to Jeff Cross, a carpet cleaning expert, you should be vacuuming once a day per person and pet in your home. That would be six days a week in a home that has a couple, 2 kids, a cat, and a dog, ouch.
b. Doormat Strategy: Next, make sure that each entryway has two doormats, one inside and one outside, especially in Arizona. Doing this will help encourage people to wipe their shoes, helping keep the dust, dirt, and mud outside where it belongs.
Having the extra mats will also help lower the need to dust, and it’s healthier. Most of the germs are brought inside via shoes. You could go a tad further and make a special spot for guests to place their shoes and hand out funny holiday socks as a gift.
Step 2: Declutter and Make Room (High-Traffic Areas)
Now it's time to make room. Starting in the high-traffic areas, it’s time to declutter, be it finding a new home for that item (gifting or donating) or putting it away for that season. Not only are you making room for decorations, extra food, or special gifts, but it also is going to help your stress level this holiday season.
Our minds like order; too many “things” in an area overstimulates our brain. So instead of having your guests be overwhelmed when arriving, they will be greeted with calmness, ready to laugh and make memories.
Step 3: Gather Cleaning Supplies (Ease Cleaning Between Engagements)
Once the clutter and decorations are situated, let's gather extra supplies to help ease cleaning between engagements. You will want some toilet wands with pads, a container of disinfectant wipes for each bathroom and kitchen, rolls of small garbage bags, and some big garbage bags.
Having these extra supplies on hand is going to help you feel put together and ready for any guest.
Step 4: Quick Cleaning Between Gatherings (Using Supplies)
Using the toilet wands will help the toilet stay sparkling and help keep you and your guests healthy. Just a quick, easy swipe and flush after everyone leaves.
Then grab a disinfectant wipe and quickly wipe the toilet handle, faucets, and door handle. Having them in the kitchen will make cleanup after dinner a breeze.
In each bathroom and in the kitchen, if you place the roll of garbage bags at the bottom with the bags still intact, when the one bag is full, all you have to do is detach the bottom, and voila, you have the next bag ready. This makes for an easy grab-and-go.
Finally, have a big garbage bag or a huge box ready for the torn gift wrap, tissue papers, and boxes that had the gifts.
Having a bag ready to toss all these items in as things are going helps make for an easy cleanup. You can even make it a game of who can make a basket with the wrap.
Also, ensure all fixtures are sparkling clean, from showerheads to faucets. Not only does this improve the overall appearance of your home, but it also ensures proper function.
Step 5: Dish Duty (After Cooking/Hosting)
Lastly are the dishes. After cooking all day when hosting, no one wants to stand at the sink washing dishes. The best advice is to load the dishwasher as you are prepping, cooking, and after eating.
The sink won’t be overloaded, and neither will you. It is easier to rinse the dishes right away instead of trying to scrub them or waking up to a sink and counter full of dishes, which brings us back to the clutter and mental health.
It’s also a good idea to tidy up your dining room after a big meal. If you’re unsure where to start, check out our guide on how to clean your dining room table. That way, you’ll wrap up hosting with a fresh, inviting space.
Final Thoughts
A clean home isn’t just for the holidays—it’s also great for your mental health. With the right strategies and a little planning, you can maintain a clean and welcoming home throughout the festive season.
By following the steps outlined in this guide—from minimizing floor messes and decluttering to gathering essential supplies and tackling dishes efficiently—you can create a stress-free environment where you can truly enjoy time with loved ones.
However, if tackling holiday cleaning or other household tasks feels overwhelming, consider reaching out to a local cleaning service for assistance. And if you're in East Vally cities like Scottsdale, Arizona, Distinguished Manor House Cleaning is ready to help you create a sparkling clean home this holiday season.
Leave the cleaning to us, so you can focus on making memories. Call us today, and let us help you enjoy a truly relaxing and festive holiday season!